First-class Bankruptcy Attorney in Hollywood, FL
Why Should You hire a Bankruptcy Lawyer?
When you have a lot of debt, it can feel like a dangerous animal is waiting in the shadows, ready to attack at any moment. When people have money problems, they often don’t know what to do or who to ask for help. We can do many things, and bankruptcy attorneys in Hollywood are one of them.
What can a bankruptcy lawyer do for you?

If you are considering going bankrupt, you should talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. Since their goal is to help people get out of debt, they are familiar with your situation and can help you every step. They will help you out no matter what your financial situation is.
- Many people are scared to file for bankruptcy because they have a lot of debt. The good news is that if you hire a Hollywood bankruptcy attorney, they will look at your situation from every angle.
- Once your debt relief lawyer knows everything about your assets and debts, they will be able to give you advice on the best way to file for bankruptcy.
- Declaring bankruptcy is a legal process that can be hard to handle well. But there are a lot of lawyers out there who have dealt with situations like this before and can help their clients find their way through the law. You can look for affordable bankruptcy lawyers in Hollywood for your assistance.
- Many people are scared to file for bankruptcy because they have a lot of debt. The good news is that if you hire a Hollywood bankruptcy attorney, they will look at your situation from every angle.
- Once your debt relief lawyer knows everything about your assets and debts, they will be able to give you advice on the best way to file for bankruptcy.
- Declaring bankruptcy is a legal process that can be hard to handle well. But there are a lot of lawyers out there who have dealt with situations like this before and can help their clients find their way through the law. You can look for affordable bankruptcy lawyers in Hollywood, FL for your assistance.
- You can find an attorney who will meet your needs, no matter what they are. Work with a lawyer with a lot of experience to ensure your bankruptcy petition is filed correctly.
- It would help if you worked with a bankruptcy lawyer to reduce the number of exemptions you claim when you file for bankruptcy. Depending on your state, there are many different rules about bankruptcy exemptions. Still, a bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help you figure out which exemptions are best for your situation so that you can keep as much of your property as possible after the bankruptcy discharge.
- A bankruptcy lawyer might be able to help you get a better deal from your creditors on bills like credit cards, mortgages, car loans, and more. GPS Law Group is here to help you, whether you want to file for bankruptcy, set up a payment plan with your creditors, or look at your options. If you’re struggling with massive debt, we want to help ease some of your stress. You and your loved ones will never have to worry about money again.
Guard Your Home In Hollywood, FL
- Bankruptcy lawyers are in high demand because they can help people who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth avoid foreclosure. To prevent losing your home to foreclosure or selling it for less than what it’s worth on the market, you need to know how the law works and act quickly. So, it’s essential to have a Why Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney Is Worth the Cost.
- The best thing about hiring an experienced lawyer is that they can predict and prepare for any problems that might arise during your case. Here are a few ways an experienced consumer bankruptcy lawyer can be helpful.
- Think about what else you can do. Getting ready for bankruptcy Instead of submitting a bankruptcy claim, You might not need to file for bankruptcy to get your money back on track. If bankruptcy is not your best choice, you might have other choices.

How We Works

First we do a quick consultation with the client and try to understand the case scenario

Based on the case scenario we make specific strategies on how we will handle the case

Take Action
After completeing first two steps we start to take actions according to our strategies that we made
Getting ready for bankruptcy In Hollywood Florida
You might want to do a means test. The means test results will tell you if you can afford to make payments under Chapter 13 and if you can file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7. If you have a lawyer on your side, you can use the particular circumstances you’ve brought to the case to your advantage.
Don’t ask for any exemptions that you don’t qualify for. The assets exempt from bankruptcy vary from state to state because each state has its own set of rules. A knowledgeable lawyer will know how to use the different exemption rules to your best advantage.
Find out a debtor’s right to be released. During the bankruptcy filing process, you can only eliminate some of your debts (discharged). The disappearance of other people depends on a lot of different things. Because of your lawsuit, which debts will be wiped out? That will rely on what your lawyer tells you.

In 2015, 9.2% of people who filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and 8.5% of people who filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy did so on their own. It is rare for someone to file a court document without the help of a lawyer. This is called “pro se” or “pro per.” Long-term success is a much more important thing to think about. In Florida’s Central District, only 2% of Chapter 13 petitions filed by debtors without a lawyer successfully get a court-approved repayment plan. This contrasts with the 60% success rate for debtors represented by a lawyer. “Pro se” filers are people who file for bankruptcy independently. In a Chapter 13 case, your payment plan must be approved before the case can proceed.
You should fill out all the necessary forms and schedules during your bankruptcy. Under oath, you must give detailed information about your assets, debts, income, expenses, and recent transactions. If you don’t, you could be charged with perjury. Your lawyer will know what information you need to give, how to value your assets, what counts as income, which of your costs are “fair and necessary,” which tax returns you need to file, and many other things.
Walk you through the process of filing for bankruptcy step by step. After the bankruptcy trustee and judge have been chosen, your lawyer will help you understand what they do, how it might affect you, what you need to do to get a discharge, and what your creditors can do to take action against you.
Make sure that your testimony is accurate and complete. When you sign the paperwork for your bankruptcy case, you have to swear under penalty of perjury that the information you give in support of it is accurate. You will claim or affirm that you are telling the truth when you go to court and talk to your creditors. Your lawyer will be there while you testify to ensure that what you say is accurate and complete.
Please take the necessary steps against people who break the automatic stay to make it work. Some debt collectors don’t know when to stop trying to get their money back. Suppose a creditor violates the automatic stay, which is the court order that contains debt collection after a lawsuit is filed. In that case, your lawyer can ask the court to hold the creditor in contempt or try to get the creditor to follow the order if the creditor keeps breaking it.
Tell your creditors what’s going on with your money. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your lawyer may be able to talk to a secured creditor on your behalf about a reaffirmation or redemption plan. If your bankruptcy is dropped, your house and car will be safe.
Suppose your finances worsen during your Chapter 13 case. In that case, an attorney can help you ask the court for a temporary or permanent change to the terms of your Chapter 13 repayment plan or an early release on the grounds of undue hardship.
Most of the time, lawyers know how to make sure your case goes smoothly through the process, giving you the chance to make the most of your new start and situation. You need to pay attention to what happens next (although this is rare).
If a creditor tries to get back a debt that was wiped out by bankruptcy, having a bankruptcy lawyer on your side can help. Many lawyers offer a standard service to help people rebuild their credit. When your case is over, you can count on them to give you good advice on how to make the most of the new changes that will come your way—someone who has worked in bankruptcy law for a long time.
Dealing with your money problems is hard enough, so don’t make things worse by figuring out how to file for bankruptcy.
Backruptcy Attorney in Hollywood
The best way to get rid of the stress of bankruptcy is to hire a lawyer from bankruptcy attorney Hollywood Florida, who can help you find your way through the complicated maze of insolvency. It is a good step toward being financially stable. Your lawyer will do the rest.
Having an experienced bankruptcy lawyer on your side lets, you know that your case is being handled correctly and that you won’t make any mistakes that could cause you more money problems in the future. Filing for bankruptcy isn’t a sign of bad morals, but your lawyer will be there to help and cheer you on as you go through the process. They’ll treat you like family because they care about how your case turns out and how you feel. Bankruptcy is not an easy way out of money problems.
Office Locations
Hollywood, Florida
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